Several weeks ago some new friends of ours from RCC returned
home from China with twin two year old little girls. They are absolutely precious! It has been so fun to read about their
journey on their family blog. I was so
touched by their story and the realization that this family was giving these
precious girls a new life and so many wonderful opportunities. More importantly though, these girls now had
a forever home and would experience a forever kind of love.
These girls may have eventually been adopted and given a
forever home, but our friends were doing so much more than that. They were giving them a forever kind of love,
an eternal love that can only come from Jesus.
Because of their choice to open up their hearts and home to love these orphans,
these girls can know Jesus Christ and have an opportunity to have a
relationship with him someday. Already
they are being taught about his love and how to worship Him in spirit and in
truth because our friends aren’t just telling them about Jesus, they are living
out being Jesus and how to worship.
I was challenged in that moment to go and do likewise with
my own children. I was challenged to
live out my worship in the small details of my day, every moment of everyday. I want my children to not only be loved, but
to experience that forever kind of love that can only come from a relationship
with Jesus Christ. That is a love worth
celebrating. Happy Valentines Day!