Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What if....?

We’ve now been home for two weeks.  It seems surreal that we even went to China to be honest.  Things are going very well.  Within about 20 minutes of being home, it was as if Andrew had never left us last summer.  The children were in the basement laughing and playing hot wheels, nerf swords, and nerf guns.  The laughing and talking were music to our ears!  Jet lag has finally eased up and life is returning to a new normal.  We are still trying to find a good routine, but with all the other children’s activities we’ve been a family on the go.  We are enjoying every moment!!

The plane on the screen is facing the wrong way, but this is the map we watched off and on our screens during our 15.5 hour flight to Hong Kong.  We were almost there!!
Recently our youngest daughter asked me, “Mom, what if raindrops were ice cream and candy bars?!”  I had to chuckle to myself and replied that if the sun came out like it tends to do here in central Illinois that it would be one big mess!  After she thought about it she had to agree it would be no fun sloshing around in melted ice cream and chocolate caramel stickiness, especially in sandals!  I did however share that IF they wouldn’t melt it would be a tasty rain!  What if…?  What if broccoli tasted like brownies?  What if everyone got along?  What if you had a million dollars?  What if America turned back to godly principles?  What if it stops raining here in Illinois for a few days?!  What if?!  Hmmm.  “What if” are two small words that can get you thinking and discussing!

July 2014.  Water fun!
It was one year ago this time last year that we were preparing to participate in the Madison Adoption Associates and In His Hands Orphan Outreach’s summer hosting program.  In the weeks leading up to the children coming to Illinois we asked lots of questions and were asked lots of questions.  Many people we talked with had never heard of such a program and were very curious as to how it worked!  It was a very exciting time for us as we shared the things we were learning and the journey God had called us to last year in hosting a little six year old boy from China.  There were a few people who really had a hard time understanding how bringing the children here could possibly be helpful.  It sounded almost cruel to them I think.   So we did our best to educate them about the hosting program, yet the questions still remained in their minds – What if he falls in love with you & your family?  Will you adopt him?  What will you do if he cries & doesn’t want to leave? 

July 4, 2014.   Andrew arrives in Springfield, IL for the summer hosting program.

June 1, 2015.  "Gotcha Day"
After 305 days of waiting to bring him home, the day finally came when we were reunited!
“What if”?  These two simple words cannot only get you thinking and discussing but they can also keep you from doing the things you need to be doing, the things you know you should be doing.  These two words have been around a long time, too.  Just go back to the Old Testament to where God speaks to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3- 4.  God tells Moses His plan to rescue the Israelites from Egypt.  God lets Moses know that he has been chosen to go to Pharaoh and free God’s people.  Usually we like to be chosen first, remember in grade school when the captains would start picking teams for kickball at recess.  Getting chosen first was a pretty big deal.  (At least it was at my grade school!)  Our friend Moses, however, doesn’t do any fist pumping or high fiving; he isn’t exactly excited to be chosen to be the messenger of this wonderful news.  He begins to have a discussion with God and begins to ask questions like, Who am I God to do this?  Suppose they say…?  What if they don’t believe you sent me?  I’m not eloquent in speech!  Please send someone else!  Now, we know that Moses was used mightily by God and did indeed help lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but he too asked questions in the beginning and he also asked God “What if?” -  Exodus 4:1 – Moses answered, "What if they do not believe me or listen1 to me and say, 'The LORD did not appear to you'?"   
The sunset on Andrew's last night as an orphan. 
In my response to the what if questions I shared that the orphans study English and then come to America to learn about the American culture first hand much like an exchange student would. They come as a group with chaperones for a month. Many of these young people have not eaten in a restaurant, been to a zoo, been on a boat, etc... The experiences they would get to have during the month were things we Americans take for granted every day. I reassured those asking that the children were not told or promised they would be adopted so it wasn’t a situation where they would be disappointed if they didn’t find a forever family and reassured again that the children were here on an educational trip.  We also shared once a child reaches 5 years of age; their chances of being adopted were less than 5%. So...remaining in the orphanage in China was really not helpful to them at all. The opportunity to travel to America for many of them was their only chance at having a family. It was also quite likely their ONLY chance to learn about Jesus. That is the biggest freedom we as Americans take for granted.   Then we would finish up sharing that we felt God had called us to host Andrew and to introduce him to Jesus; to allow him to experience as many things as possible. We felt called for the month of July to love him and allow him to experience what it was like to be a part of a family. Then we addressed the “what ifs” (what if he falls in love with you?  Will you adopt him? Etc...)  We didn’t have an answer but were going to be obedient to what God called us to do (host) and the what ifs would work themselves out because we had faith God would take care of the details.

June 1, 2015.  Gotcha Day.
June 2, 2015.  Adoption Day.

I was defriended on Facebook for that conversation.  I was okay with that.  It was okay because we were obedient to what God had called us to do.  We knew He wouldn’t call us to something and then leave us alone to figure the rest out.  And guess what…we were right!  We discovered we had both been praying about adoption!!  We did fall in love with Andrew!!!  We did adopt him!!!!  One year later, Andrew is no longer an orphan but is a part of a forever family experiencing love, learning about Jesus, and oh so many other new things!!!!!  Brad and I are changed people because of this entire experience.  Our lives will never be the same.  It’s not all been rainbows and unicorns, so please don’t misunderstand and think it’s been a piece of cake.  However, living in obedience to God is oh so much better than the alternative.  It’s been an amazing year!  God was able to take “What if” and use it in our lives to do something incredible!
I am so very blessed to be their mama!  Love these 5!
It’s been two weeks since Andrew came home, and I am so grateful and overwhelmed God would choose me…a sinner…an imperfect person…an imperfect parent to be blessed with this precious little boy!  And, it makes me wonder…what if?  What if we hadn’t listened to God calling us to host?  What if we had said no?  What if we hadn’t listened to Him calling us to adopt?  What if we had said no because of our fear of what others would think?  What if we said no because of the money it would cost instead of trusting Him to provide that need for us?  What if we had said no to God because we were comfortable with four children and adding another child from a hard place would require changes to what was familiar?  Hmmm.  What if…?  

First Family Photo as a family of 7!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Adventures with Andrew: While we continue to wait!

Neil driving the lane
Time flies when you are having fun!  The last few months have been very busy for us as a family and in our adoption process.  While we continue to wait for the adoption process to progress we have let no grass grow under our feet!  Neil had a great junior basketball season and while it didn’t end the way he had hoped, he showed a lot of improvement!  I have to admit I have missed going to his games, but have enjoyed him not playing a spring sport!  Brad’s mom has had two surgeries and is recovering from those and is on the mend!  Neil had a big role in Calvary Academy’s Spring Musical and did great (of course I’m his mom, but he did do very well!)!  We celebrated our first Chinese New Year as a family!  Madeline turned 14…where in the world did the time go?  We continue to homeschool without a spring vacation so we can finish our year early.  My goal is to have school finished before we travel to China.  If things keep going well, then we will be done Friday, May 15.  As of today we only have 4 ½ weeks left of our school year.  A highlight for me was last weekend when I was able to attend the Empowered to Connect Simulcast Friday and Saturday here in Springfield at a local church!  It was a great weekend.  I look forward to next year’s conference and hope Brad will be able to join me next time since he was not feeling well and was unable to come.  Then there are just the day to day living life things that keep us busy as well. 
Our first Chinese New Year Family Celebration
In my last post I shared we had sent our paperwork to China and were settling in for a long wait for our Letter of Acceptance (LOA); we were told average wait time was running about 80-90 days at that time.  I’m so happy to share that on day 50 we were notified we were approved and received our LOA!  Since then we have been completing the last steps of pre-travel paperwork which deal with citizenship and visas, as well finish raising the funds we will need to complete Andrew’s adoption.  These next steps don’t take as long to process thankfully, yet the closer we get the harder it is to wait.  It’s like a small child waiting for Christmas Day. 

Happy Birthday Maddie!
Currently we are awaiting “Article 5” paperwork to be completed in China.  We have heard this step is running a little behind schedule right now so it may take a little longer than the “average” two weeks.  Once that is done it is forwarded on and we wait for Travel Approval (TA).  At that time we will get to start requesting dates and purchase plane tickets!  We are so very close to bringing home our son!   It’s been 258 days since we said goodbye at the Springfield airport July 31st.  That’s a lot of days for a mama (Chinese for mama), baba (Chinese for daddy), ge ge (Chinese for older brother), di di (Chinese for younger brother), and his two jie jies (Chinese for older sisters) to wait. 
Easter Sunday
Over this past year God has done a work in my life.  He has allowed my eyes to be opened up to the needs of orphans and children who come from hard places.   I have read articles and books, listened to speakers and testimonies of other foster/adoptive parents, seen presentations and videos about foster and adoptive families, attended a conference, attended our third In His Hands Orphan Banquet, and had personal experiences with some of these amazing and beautiful children last summer.   David Platt in his book Radical:  Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream sums it up best, “We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” Amen.  Everything indeed does change, and everyone as well.  I am changed and I’m so grateful!
Easter Sunday
One of the things I have learned is that our sweet boy has had so much loss in his life.  He has lost his birth family and that alone is huge.  That is something no child should have to experience.  However, here in the next few weeks there will be more loss; there will be more grief in his little life as he transitions from an orphan to a forever son.  In my effort to help with the transition I mailed a picture book filled with photos of our home, neighborhood, his bed, his dresser, each family member, our dog, etc..  to show and remind him of the time he spent with us last summer, how we are ready for him, and how much we love him.  This photo book also had pictures of snow because where he lives in China doesn’t get snow.  The lowest temperatures are in the 50s according the research I have done.  A local friend translated this photo book into Chinese for me before I mailed it.  It arrived and was signed for at the local orphanage, but I’m not sure exactly when he’ll get the book.  I included two disposable cameras as well.  I have heard of other families doing this for their child.  Then their child can take pictures of the people, places, and things they want to remember.  It will also be interesting to see if he gets those cameras and what he takes pictures of!
Sarah's Snowman!
In the coming weeks I would also ask that you continue to pray for our family.  Specifically, please pray for the paperwork to continue to go smoothly and our approvals/visa paperwork to get approved in a timely manner so we can begin travel approval/travel dates/travel details.  Please pray for good health for all of us!  We also ask at this time for prayers for Andrew and his foster family.  Pray he gets that photo book and someone takes time to read it to him.  Also, a few weeks before we travel, Andrew will leave his foster family and return to the orphanage in preparation for our arrival.  He has been with his foster family now for a little more than four years.  So we ask for peace and comfort during these transitions and that God would prepare Andrew’s heart for our family/our arrival, that God would continue to prepare our hearts for Andrew and his arrival here, and that God would comfort his foster family that he will leave behind. 
The DHL reps that helped us mail our package.  They had never mailed a package to this particular city and so they added a pin on the map to the left of the photo.  Sam thought that was a HUGE deal! 
Thank you, friends!  Your support and prayers mean so much as you partner with us while we continue to wait!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Adventures with Andrew: Why China?

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Things are progressing in our journey to bring Andrew home.  We have been able to gather and get the proper notarization, certification, and authentication on the necessary documents for our dossier.  Earlier this month we tracked the progress of our paperwork from Delaware to China.  It was exciting to see our packet travel across the ocean and know when it was signed for in China!  After a week’s wait, we received word we were officially logged into the Chinese system.  The next steps are for our papers to be translated and reviewed by the proper authorities.  Once this is done we are praying we receive our official letter of approval (LOA) so we can move forward in the adoption process.  The wait for our LOA is a process that is currently taking 60-80+ days.  If I’ve figured it right, we are on day 6 of our LOA wait so we still have a ways to go!  As we have shared before, waiting is one of the hardest parts of the adoption process, but it's so worth it! 

image found on
We have also received a new packet of information from our adoption agency, Madison Adoption Associates, outlining the next series of steps in the adoption process.  It was a bit overwhelming, but we were incredibly grateful for the detailed step by step instructions!   The most exciting thing about that packet was it outlined the process from our LOA to bringing our sweet boy home!   There is a light at the end of the waiting!  We have heard from other families who have already been through this process once you get your LOA things really do go quickly.  Sounds great to me J! 

The papers we worked diligently on filling out, gathering, getting notarized, certified and authenticated!
They are now in China!  Come on LOA!!!
This journey has opened up doors for us to get to know a whole new community of people.  It has been encouraging to network with others going through the same process or who have already been through this process.  We rejoice along with others as they reach milestones and pray for challenges that come along.  We seek out answers to questions and concerns from those who have been there.  It’s so exciting to read, hear their stories, and see first-hand what God is doing in their lives and the lives of their families.  It’s also been wonderful for Brad and me to share our story with others and hopefully raise some awareness to the needs of the many orphans around the world.  It’s been an opportunity to share what God has done in our own lives and the life of our family.

Understandably, over the past several months we have also been asked a lot of questions.  One of the questions that has come up several times is why we have chosen to adopt internationally from China when there are so many children right here in America/state of Illinois in the foster care system that need a home and a family.   I want to clarify up front and say that most of the people who have asked me this question have done so genuinely wanting to know and are not being ugly or trying to make some statement or judgment.  They don’t know much about adoption or foster care and are curious.  So I decided to write today and share our answer to this question, “Why China and not the U.S.A./state of Illinois?”  Notice….I said “our answer”.  Adoption and foster care are not things you enter into lightly because it will impact you, your spouse, your children, and your life as a whole.  Adoption and foster care are personal decisions and each family that chooses to do either has their very own story and reasons for why they chose to adopt or foster.

Love this sweet boy!
Here’s our answer – God made it clear that Andrew is our son.  Andrew currently lives in a foster home in China and not the United States.  So we are going to China to bring him home.  That’s it!  It’s that simple!  No earth shattering deep theological or philosophical answer.  We are being obedient to what God is calling us to do.  It is a personal journey we are on with our God and we LOVE it!

God used the years we spent praying, moving to Rochester to meet Marshall and Michelle McGowan, In His Hands Orphan Outreach, Rochester Christian Church, Madison Adoption Associates, and awesome families in our small group to help us become aware of the needs of orphans worldwide and those here in the states.  Adoption and foster care are a part of the culture at Rochester Christian Church an in our local community.  There are many families in our church and community that do both.   Brad and I both agree that God had bigger plans for the Ferris family when we moved here a few years ago.  It just wasn’t only for Brad to be the senior pastor at RCC.  It was so we could find Andrew!  

One of my favorite pictures from the summer!  Brad and Madeline with Andrew.  This was the last picnic we went to before he flew back to China and he was starting to relax and smile more and more every day! 
After sharing this answer with people, most are satisfied and are very excited for us.  There have been a few who have chosen not to support us and been critical.  I have to say those were the times I was hurt and angry.  It’s hard to respond with grace and love when someone is critical of your decision.  However, I have had to remind myself, and Brad has had to remind me that we are following God’s plan for our family and that is what matters.

We are all made in God’s image, and the great thing about our God is that He sees no difference between the American orphan, the Chinese orphan, the Haitian orphan, the Russian orphan, etc….  He sees a child that needs a family.  Period.  God’s love has no borders, boundaries, or limits.  He loves the world (John 3:16).  He has called us to care for the orphan and the widows (James 1:27).  One of the ways we can care for the orphan is to be a forever family or a foster family.  God has called many families to adopt internationally, but He has also called other families to foster/foster to adopt children right here in the U.S.A.   Both are equally important, and neither one should be criticized because God does not call all of us to do the same thing.
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God may not be calling you to foster or adopt, however you can still make a difference in the life of a child.  Here is a link to In His Hands Orphan Outreach webpage.  It has all the information on what they do around the world and here in Illinois to reach out to orphans.  There is a great video on the home page that is well worth your time to watch showing exactly what they did to help orphans this past year.  There is also an event tab you can click on to learn more about the upcoming orphan banquets.  The 2015 summer hosting program is another program well worth your time to read about and get more information about!   This is a great organization to partner with.  You can pray, donate, help educate others, volunteer, and so many other things. 

God has a very personal plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11), and God revealed to Brad and me that Andrew is our son.  Andrew lives in a foster home in China, and so we are going to China to bring him home!  It’s a very exciting time for the Ferris family!  Our process progresses and we are moving forward; each day is one day closer to bringing Andrew home!  Now we count the days for our LOA!