Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We're off!!!

Rochester Christian Church
A warm welcome

The Ferris Family is on a new adventure.  We're starting out on a journey together to continue to build up God's Kingdom in Rochester, Illinois.  God is leading us to do new things in a new place with new people.  It's a time of new beginnings.  This is an exciting, yet scary journey all at the same time.  New stores, new doctors, new parks, new friends, new homeschool co-ops and networking.  Basically, new everything surrounds us. 

This journey has started out just like a new pair of shoes you can't wait to put on and wear.  It has been exciting and we can't wait to see what God is going to do with us.  However, new shoes take time to break in and sometimes cause blisters; they can be uncomfortable and cause you to desire those old comfortable sneakers in the closet!   That is where we are in this beginning part of our journey.  We are battling blisters! 

Blister #1
Brad has already left Newburgh for Illinois and is currently living with his parents in their spare room.  We are so grateful for their support and generosity in allowing him to stay there.  The rest of us however, are not able to join him until the house in Newburgh sells.  The house has been on the market for three months now.  We've had several showings but no offers.  In the meantime four other houses in our neighborhood comparable to ours have come on the market and sold within a month's time.  Please join us in daily praying for the sale of our home in Newburgh..

Blister #2
While we have made two long trips to Illinois to spend time with Brad this summer, once the school year begins we will not be able to take such long trips.  The periods of separation will be much longer. Please pray that our family can be reunited soon and we can continue the work God has placed before us there under one roof again.  I'm ready to go house shopping...not house selling, but until that time we pray that there would be peace and unity for our family until we are all together again!  This blister also needs lots of prayer please!!

Blister #3
Frustrations.  I can't go into all the details, but Satan has been very busy in our lives trying to discourage us and cause us to be distracted from the work set before us.  You see, God has also led us to do these new things in this new place with these new people with a fresh start and a new attitude.  It's hard to maintain this new attitude when you are feeling discouraged and frustrated.  I have to catch myself at times since my attitude transfers to our four children.  Please pray for me to remain a godly influence on our children and display Christ's attitude to give them peace and comfort during this time of transition.  It is from this blister that God is teaching me new things and I have some stories to share at a later time.  Some I can finally smile about now at least!  Some I know you will find funny as well.

I know these blisters will heal in God's timing, not mine.  Our feet will heal and toughen up for the rest of this journey.  Until then,  we'll continue on the path God is leading us to follow and trust Him to guide our steps.  Please continue to pray along with us and for us!  We're off!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Mary, you have such a talent for story-telling. Thank you for creating such a great way to keep us all in the loop, and I know ABSOLUTELY I will find encouragement here - and some laughs as well. :) Love you all!
