Laughter is the best medicine or so they say. Maybe that is why I prefer a good comedy over an action or drama movie. Our family enjoys Christian comedians Tim Hawkins, Jeff Allen, John Branyan, and Bob Smiley. I love Chonda Pierce, too. The family favorite however, hands down, is Tim Hawkins. The children can quote him word for word and are known at the dinner table especially to break out in their favorite Tim Hawkins comedy routine or one of his infamous songs. Many times we can’t even understand them because they are already laughing too hard and while the rest of us may not understand any of it, we all join in the laughter because their laughter is contagious. We love to laugh here at the Ferris household. Frequently though we are the cause of these outbursts. I thought I’d share a few today to make you smile.
Several of these occurrences have taken place after picking the children up from their classes at church or at church functions. Sunday at lunch we ask our children what they learned that day. When asking Madeline when she was little, she very seriously begins to tell me about how baby Jesus was floating down the river in a basket. My favorite Samuel retelling was when he told us all about the apostle Peter Pan. At the close of VBS a few years ago, Sarah got up to pray for the closing. I was running behind that night and when I turned the corner to head for the big room several people stopped me with great big smiles on their faces and asked if I heard Sarah do the closing prayer that night. No. Missed it I hate to say. However, I won’t forget it. Was one of those, OH NO…she didn’t moments when I found out what she did. “Dear God, Thank you for this day. Help us go to Sea World and Disney World. Amen.” No thank you for my parents or Jesus. No I love my mom and dad. No eloquent prayers for the missionary like the others did. Nope. Sea World. Disney World. Ahhhh, yes, the preacher’s kid prayed the most secular prayer of the week!
Where is Sam's hat? |
The Sunday Brad’s resignation was announced at FCCN, the children and I came home and I put the for sale sign in the yard and sat Sarah and Samuel down upstairs to tell them we were selling our house. We waited purposefully so they wouldn’t “spill the beans”. I explained that Daddy had a new job and was going to be teaching the big people about Jesus. He was going to do this at the church we visited where Grandpa and Grandma Ferris were a few weeks ago. They seemed great with it until I said we were going to have to sell our house so we could move closer to that new church. Their faces grew serious. Sarah asks, “Can we take all our electronics (meaning her leap pad)?” I assured her when that time came we would pack all our belongings up in boxes and take them with us. Samuel was very quiet up to this point and then he says, “Can we take Sarah?” Yep…Sarah, too! J
Our zoo at the zoo! |
For one of Brad’s visits to Newburgh, the girls both baked him special treats as a surprise. We tried to make a big deal about it and it was supposed to be this big secret. Samuel was aware of all of this and did a great job of not “spilling the beans” as we say around the house. Sarah was talking to Brad about her surprise and Sam gets very animated and a little upset and says, “Sarah, don’t! The beans will fall!”
The latest funny was from Neil. He’s doesn’t provide as many of these comic relief moments as he used to. I think that comes with maturity. He has a favorite song on the radio that has a country twang to it. While we were driving back home from Evansville a few weeks ago, his song came on the radio and he says something about liking its tangy sound. TANGY? That’s a sharp sour taste not a sound! Once he realized what he did he joined me in laughing so that’s been the joke around here…the tangy song!
Monkeying around at the zoo! |
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