Saturday, September 6, 2014

Schooling and Soccer Adventures

School is always an adventure!  This year is no different.  Neil began his junior year enrolled at Calvary Academy here in Springfield, IL.  Our experiences with the school last year was such a blessing.  We are very impressed not only with their academic accomplishments, but the love, care, and emphasis on raising godly men and women who have a solid relationship with Christ.  I was completely impressed with their graduation ceremony last May.  It was yet another confirmation of our prayers for Neil that Calvary was where he needed to be this fall. 
First day of school.  Junior at Calvary Academy.

I have had several ask me if it’s hard to not have him here.  Honestly, no…I have such a peace about this decision.  We began praying about this last fall and repeatedly God opened up doors and gave us assurance and peace.  I know this is where he should be right now and I have confidence in the programming, teachers, and administration.  It’s actually been very exciting.  “The best is yet to come.” was something a friend of mine told me concerning her children and she was/is right.  So many exciting things on the horizon for this young man God blessed us with!  Do I miss him?  You betcha!  I’ve never been one of those moms who can’t wait for school to start to send the kids off to school.  I enjoy spending time with my children.  While I can’t always say they replicate those feelings, it’s a privilege to be able to teach them and be a part of their lives.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything but I also realize they are not really mine, but God’s children.  As we have sought God’s direction for parenting and schooling Neil, He opened up this door and we were happy to go through it!  One of the things I miss most is hearing him sing and play the guitar during his breaks between classes.  I also have to admit our lunch time is a little less lively as we have lost some laughter from his quips and jokes. 

From the start of his life, while growing inside me, God has had his hand on our son.  He saw us through a difficult pregnancy mostly spent on bed rest.  The circle of friends praying for him on the day of his birth knew too God had a plan for him.  That tender moment of them encircling our hospital bed and praying for us will never ever be forgotten in this mama’s heart and mind.  To the friends, family, coaches, and youth ministers who have invested in his life up until now, I give my heartfelt thanks.  He has come a long way.  He has a long way to go.  Yet….the best is yet to come.  We look forward to this year helping him to reach his goals and dreams. 

First day of Kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 8th grade.
The rest of us started school the same day Neil did.  I usually start much earlier, but wanted to spend as much time with Neil as possible before our new schedules began.  It was a good move on my part.  Sarah and Sam have really missed their big brother.  Maddie has started her 8th grade year strong.  She is a diligent worker and studies hard.  She is very responsible and we are proud of her progress.  She is not one who enjoys school but she at least has a positive outlook and works to get her work completed.  I never have to get on her about getting her homework or chores completed.  Sarah is now in 3rd grade which means she has more seatwork to do.  This has not been a welcome thing, but she is getting used to the routine I think finally.  This will be a transitional year for her in several subjects.  It will be interesting to see how she handles some of the new responsibilities and work.  Sam is now in Kindergarten and he LOVES school!  Who doesn’t love Kindergarten?!  He is most excited about his math book which we just got in the mail this weekend.  I had other math things for him to do to start school and he’s done very well, but this book was received with great shouts of joy and then a treasured item to be shown to anyone who would look at it!  I only wish this excitement and joy would last his entire educational career! 

Very hot.  Thankful for the breeze that day!  Calvary is in white/blue.  Neil has the long sleeve black shirt.
Soccer is another new adventure we find ourselves on this fall.  Neil is playing for Calvary’s Soccer Team.  This is the first year in some time they have even had a team.  Neil last played soccer at age 5.  He was the goalie then.  I clearly remember him in the goal watching the excitement on the tennis courts repeatedly.  He never knew what was going on in his game.  An occasional plane would fly by and that too might catch his attention.  Needless to say, that was the last year for soccer for him.  Twelve years later, he is playing goalie again and I’m pleased to report his attention span has improved greatly.  He seems to enjoy it.  It’s a new program and I don’t know how good they will be, but I am so proud of the team.  They are working hard!  I am also very proud of him because he is willing to try new things.  He knows he’s got a lot to learn and improve upon but he is willing to work hard.  This last spring he tried baseball and the school play.  I love his adventurous spirit to try new things! 
Working hard!
Sarah is also playing soccer this fall through the YMCA.  She has NEVER played soccer.  It’s kind of cute!  Today they won their first game and we celebrated with ice cream afterwards.  She was supposed to go in today and she stayed on the sideline.  The coach thought she went in.  Finally after one play a parent said, “Coach, you are down a player!”  It took him a minute to figure out who was missing.  She kind of shrugged and went in but didn’t know what position to play.  Once she was in though she played hard.  At one point she was on a break away and I thought she might score, but the other team turned the ball around and away they went.  It was an exciting game!  Today she declared she was hot and happy after the game.  Hot from the running and happy that they won!  She cracks me up!
My soccer players!
Our upcoming weeks will have days filled with school and evenings full of soccer practices and games.  It’s a fun place to be.  However, these are not the only adventures we are enjoying at this time.  Overwhelmed by God’s grace, love, forgiveness, and answers to prayers!

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